We'll get back to Pete in a minute, but first I want to let you know about these events over at Teacher's Notebook. First, head over to read my teaching tip article...
Click to go the Teaching Tip page!
Back to Pete...
I know I am a bit slow creating something for Pete. Everyone posted items for him last year!
I am going to try to get a ahead of the game! I just visited the Harper Collins Children's website and discovered that many more adventures for Pete are on the way! I can't wait to see what I can do with these...
This book seems like it will be perfect for the beginning of the school year.
My activity is based on the first book, Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes!
I thought I would create an activity that would review colors and introduce rhyming together. Also, I wanted it to be something that I could hang up to decorate the room.
My class last year loved Pete! Many purchased the "I can read" versions of his stories to read by the end of the year. I hope this project creates a new generation of Pete lovers that are motivated to read! Click the image to get your copy!