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My muses and I have been working on this for a month now, creating at home and trying these in the classroom. Hopefully you can squish this in before you jump into fall themed activities.
But you will need the Pete the Cat: The Wheels on the Bus book before you begin!!
Back to the beginning...
First, I simply read book to my class so they could enjoy it. We watched the accompanying video available on Teacher Tube:
(Others are available on YouTube, if you can access those from your school server.)
Next, I used the illustrations in the book to discuss positional words.
Click on the image below to download the list of questions I used.
Then we made this anchor chart of the terms!
******I explained that the bus is turned so that we were looking at its side and therefore the front and back area would look a little differently.************
After this I gave students a copy of a Pete and bus to color. We brought these to the carpet work with them demonstrating each positional term.

Then we followed up on a different day with this cut and paste activity.
Finally, I gave students a reader using these terms as a culminating activity.
It was perfect!! We are studying the word "is" and students could find it and highlight it in yellow.
I hope you can use and enjoy these. I am sharing because I was not able to find any positional word materials that were appropriate for the beginning of school.