About me

Thursday, March 26, 2015

My First Glyph!

This is my first attempt at creating a glyph.  I found it very challenging.  Still, I enjoyed creating this.  I like the fact that the glyph kids don't look like the students who created them. They are representations of their pets or lack of pets! If you would like to try it yourself, click on the image.

A little late with this one but...St. Patrick's Day!


I'm all done with my place value bunny center and it is now available for $1.14 in my TpT store
Win one for yourself by entering below. (I hope I did this correctly.)

Some of the Whole Brain Teaching posters that I have posted on the wall. 

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Homeschool Freebie Friday

Friday, March 6, 2015

Five for Friday and Random Freebies


Time to think about Spring! This chick design was inspired by Kinder by Kim. We generated a list a spring words and students wrote them interactively.

Here is a random freebie. This was created for a springtime activity!
Feel free to download here if you might like to use it.


Here is another random freebie.  I have been cleaning up my files and have found this creation that I have forgotten about.


I here are some quick 
hand print four leaf clovers we made.


Don't you love it when your students really get a concept? I was so excited about this, I snapped a picture!

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