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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Trick or Treat Blog Hop

Welcome!  I hope you are enjoying the hop, getting great tips and picking up fabulous freebies!

My tip for you is to start using Number Talks in your classroom, if you aren't already!
This short video will give you an introduction to the procedure if you aren't familiar with it.

Here's a little trick. Turn this into a craftivity. I gave each student six pumpkin cut outs and let them glue them in any arrangement.  Then I asked them how they saw the number 6.  We outlined the parts with yellow yarn.  Finally, we filled in the number bond.

My freebie for you are booklets that you can use with your number talks! There are various options to pick and choose from. I hope you find these as useful as I have! Grab these now! They are only available during the hop!

The hop is over. These books will be on sale soon!


Friday, October 23, 2015

Five for Friday


This double bubble map was created using interactive writing. I love these two books.


After reading aloud a version of the Three Little Pigs, students set to work on building one of the three houses.

The house made of bricks....
made with these mosaic gems and modeling clay.

The house of straw was made with straws and modeling clay.
The house of sticks was  made with modeling clay and craft sticks. (I had to help this group.  They could not agree on what to do.)

When it was time to test, each student had to write their prediction on this worksheet. If you'd like, you can grab a copy here.

These are our results...

The TK students decorated each pig's house. 
I am ready for red ribbon week! The door is done!


Saturday, October 3, 2015

Humpty Dumpty Activities

We have spent several weeks working on the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty.  Here are some of the activities we did.

1) Our Humpty Dumpty egg experiment...

Here they recorded what happened.

Here is a copy if you'd like.

2)Humpty Dumpty Craft  

3)Assemble the poem

I placed a copy of the nursery rhyme out to make this activity easier. If you would like to make it harder, take the copy away.

Each child got a word or two from the rhyme.

They had to build the nursery rhyme in the pocket chart.  This means they had to use their literacy skills to figure out what word they had and when to bring it up.  Some tracked the poem and some used phonics to help them figure out their word.

4) An alternate ending 
Here we talked about altering the ending to Humpty Dumpty's story.  We brainstormed what he could fall on to keep from breaking. I charted the ideas and students had to choose from the list. They had a sentence starter to write the new ending and were asked to illustrate their work.

We had a lot of fun with Humpty Dumpty!