are my newest Educreations lessons. Educreations is a free App for the I
Pad so you can download your own and create your own lessons. Feel free
to use these, but be warned there is no
editing feature so I
could not edit out my gawkiness.
I used these with my own class and they seemed to enjoy them anyway!
I decided it was time to teach my class digraphs when a Words Their Way Spelling Inventory revealed that most students would benefit from instruction in this area.
So I went back and created more disposable letters for making "sh" and "ch" words.
Students have to cut these out quickly. I tell them that this is not an art project!! Here is a tip: Don't have them throw away scraps until the end of the activity. They may end up accidentally throwing away letters!!
I alternate white paper with colored paper so that letters don't get confused with a neighbors. When I am out of colored paper, I might put a yellow marker line across the top of alternating papers for the same purpose.
Click on the image below to download your copy.
Click on the image below to download your copy.
Finally, my students are working on making these accordion style books for each of these digraphs.
Click each link to download a copy of these.
Sorry about all the different downloads, but it is easier for me to make my files separate.