Yeah, I'm a day early!
If you plan to teach money value and coin recognition to your students, you may find this freebie useful. Click away!
Part 1 Money book
Part 2 Money book
Format for book
Fold on the broken lines and cut on the solid lines.
Part 1 Money book
Part 2 Money book
Format for book
Fold on the broken lines and cut on the solid lines.
Enjoy Mr. R's coin song to reinforce your money lessons!
Try some back to school fun with this "clean house" activity! Find an area that is divided into two sides or areas. Divide students evenly into each of the two areas. You will need a good amount of bean bags and evenly divide those among the two teams. When you give the signal, students "clean house" by tossing the bean bags into the other team's side. When you give the signal to stop, you count up the bean bags to see who has the cleanest "house." This game is great for practicing counting skills.
The sound effects are very enjoyable. The thing I like most is that it has potential applications for every grade level. You can create a review wheel for your grade level standards, a reward wheel, a PE activity wheel, etc. Again, the app is Decide Now and it is $.99.
Here is my classroom jungle area!
The vines are made from green crumbled up streamers. I cut each leaf in either light or dark green. The palm tree was purchased at a party store and the grass was purchased at a teacher store.
Soon I'll be adding the monkeys...the class is still in progress with those.

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