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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Gingerbread Fun and a Hanukkah Thinking Map

We have been having a great time with The Gingerbread Man story. This is the cover of the version I have been reading.  It has a little different ending where the fox tricks the Gingerbread man by telling him he can't hear him and to come closer.  Of course, you know the rest! 
We discussed and reviewed story elementscharacter, setting, problem, and solution using this book. I was pleasantly surprised by how well the students remembered these concepts!

We have also made a Gingerbread man glyphStudents colored eyes to match eye color, counted out buttons to show age, and used yellow or green yarn to show gender.

The dark brown men were done by the AM group and the light brown men were done by the PM group.

This was the writing activity done to follow up the glyph project.

(I have more than 24 students.  A few children did not get to make a gingerbread man.)
 When the students arrived in the morning, they were all a buzz and counting the gingerbread men on the wall.  Some were trying to see how many students have blue eyes.  Some were trying to determine the number of boys and girls. Charting the class totals was on the day's agenda, but originally not intended to be the first activity!

We still have some more activities planned for this story.  Next month, we'll get some Social Studies by learning about other holiday traditions such as Hanukkah and Kwanzaa.  

TEACHERS:  I have had at least two of you request a Hanukkah Thinking Map so I am sharing this.  You need to download both parts separately. Sorry.  

Hanukkah Facts page is found here.
The Hanukkah Thinking Map is found here. 

I hope you find these useful!


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